September 30, 2012


So I got a new job.....which means I am back to work.  I had orientation Monday and very crazy training the rest of this past week.  I work for Providence Health Care in their corporate pharmacy services division as a specialized tech.  The job is very different from anything I have ever experienced before.  Everyone I have talked to who has worked the job 2 years received 4 months of training.  One of the newer hires had a 6 week training because they were in a bind.  Me?  I get 2 weeks with a week of implementation.  They are short 5 techs, they hired 4 new people including me, but 3 won't start for another week and an existing coordinator just had a baby so they are needing help pretty quick.  Training involves 8 hours of learning new programs and policies.  I basically have 12 applications running on my screen at any given moment in time and all of them interrelate to each other, I am supposed to learn what each one has on it and how to use it and what I am allowed to say or do on each of them.  Thus far I am semi familiar with about 8 of them, have 4 different passwords to keep straight, and still have 4 to go.  I keep being told to not feel too pressured, that it takes about 6 months to know what you are doing and 2 years to understand why you are doing what you are doing.  Seeing as I probably don't have 2 years with them, it isn't the most helpful advice.  So that is the story of what I am doing for work.


  1. Hey, at least it will keep you busy! I hope that you enjoy your new job; change is usually pretty stressful for me.

  2. That sounds a lot like my job when I started it. Super stressful, but once you know what you're doing (6 months later) it's a breeze.. as long as there's no hiccups.
