July 10, 2013

A Virtual Baby Shower

Technology is crazy neat.  My mom and Erin were able to put together a long distance "virtual" baby shower that included family and a few friends and it turned out pretty good.  It was really fun getting to see some far away friends that I haven't been able to see in a long time.  Some statistics include: all 4 time zones were represented.  Attendees included the states of Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Virginia, Texas, and California.  It has felt a bit like Harry Potter the past few days at my house. It started with one package and then they started multiplying.  Packages from Amazon.com, Target.com, and Walmart have been arriving via all sorts of ways and at all different times: FexEx, USPS, UPS, while I am at work, after work, and late night delivery-sometimes all three times in one day.  I am grateful for good long term friends and family and leaders who have done so much for me.  I'm also getting pretty excited to put the outfits, gowns, swaddle blankets, bumbos, books etc to good use even the diapers, wipes, and Bordeaux's butt paste to be honest though I am sure that attitude will change soon enough......but not yet. ;)


  1. It was SO SO fun! I'm glad we were able to do it!

  2. It was so great to see you! I am excited for you and your little boy. Boys are the best and babies are so so much fun.
