September 27, 2013

Astoria to Seaside

Today we drove to a very wet and windy coast to see Astoria down to Seaside.  We went to the Astoria Column also drove around that cute town a little bit.  Astoria is full of old Victorian style homes that were built up a very steep mountain, it is cute and quirky.  We did a long distance shot of the Peter Iredale shipwreck in Fort Stevens State Park.  The wind was blowing so hard there that sand had almost completely covered the parking lot to the point it was hard to tell where the parking ended and the beach started.  We then went to Seaside.
The Seaside Aquarium was a lot of fun.  Erin gave me a sideways look when I bought by ticket and two cartons of real fish, head to tail, to feed the harbor seals they have there.  Each seal has a trick they do to get attention for food.  Some slap their belly, some look at you upside down, some bark, and others splash.  Erin got Regan the splasher and was soaked from feeding the seals.  Porter loved the dark lighting of the aquarium and had big wide eyes while we were looking at the fish, octopus, eels, and animals.  One fish I thought was pretty cool was the Tsunami Fish.  It was a black and white tang that made it's way all the way to Oregon in a boat from the Japan Tsunami.  The fish survived by eating the algae that grew in the bottom of the boat until the boat was found 2 years later.  There were five fish found, studies were done on four of them but the survivor is now housed in the Seaside Aquarium.
Our last stop on the coast was the Seaside Candyman for taffy and icecream.  It is a fun, random, place that plays the Candyman song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory over and over again.
Porter was awesome, he slept a lot and didn't cry much.  It was a little hard with how wet it was to have a little baby despite how good he was.  I had just fed Porter in the back seat of the car and knew I needed to change his diaper when we were in Seaside.  I put the changing pad on my lap and had Erin ready with wipes, new diaper, and garbage sack while I tried to change a baby in the back seat of a car on my lap.  Unfortunately that was the exact time that Porter felt the need to pee, just as I was catching that and cleaning him up from that, Porter then had the need to poop, oozing poop and lots of it.  I don't know how many wipes I went through, and I have no idea how I was able to escape from that mess without getting poop on Porter or his clothes, me-besides my hands, or the car, but somehow I did it.  I feel like I deserve a Badge of Mommihood for such a feat because that whole fiasco was insane.
We got home and JD watched Porter while Erin and I went to the Portland Temple that evening.  It was a very busy but fun day and the temple was a great way to end it.

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